Our hallmark is the pursuit of God. Mathew 6:33, 1 Corinthians 10:31
- TACSFON is a praying church which is sometimes manifested through formation and organization of various prayer schemes and structures as God may lead and leaders certify. Luke 18:1, James 5:16b
- TACSFON is a conservative church in mode of worship, dressing, utterances and every other aspects of life. 1 Cor 8:1-13, Acts 6:2,4, 1 Pet 1:13, 1 Pet 3:4
- TACSFON has a covenant responsibility to this land and her entities. This is to always take charge in the spirit and to apply every necessary corresponding action. Mathew 5:13-16, Phil2:13-16
- TACSFON follows divine leading in organisation and participating in extra-fellowhip activities and special programmes. John 15:1-8, Romans 8:14, John 3:8
- TACSFON had an uncompromised high taste, strong passion and orientation of EXCELLENCE in every area of life with special focus on academics prosperity. Deuteronomy 28:18, 3John1:2, Daniel11:9, Genesis17:1, Deuteronomy8:18, Isaiah 48:17
- TACSFON encourages appreciable sense of true friendliness amidst members which must be done with a sanctified motive. Our God abhors questionable and ungodly relationships amidst his children and we do too. Ephesians 4:29, 1Thessalonians4:3-5
- TACSFON believes stongly in the marital destiny of her members, and the same necessitates a very sensitive and decisive stand. Every member is charged to maintain sincerity, open-mindedness, sanctified motive matured understanding and absolute integrity in securing and preserving an enviable marital relationship. Hebrews 13:4
- TACSFON has a divine mandate to always raise and preserve a usable dependable generation for God. This is carried out via guarded avenues like mentorship and discipleship relationship. Every well built and passionate leader is expected to be responsible as God has given the grace. 1Timothy 2:24-26, Mathew 28:19-20, Titus2
- TACSFON has a strong sense of discovery, pursuit and fulfilment on issues of DESTINY, that we all are God’s true creature, with equal but peculiar destinies and as such everyone has the redemptive priviledge to be taught, trained and encouraged to rise up to the same. This primarily informs the choice of our teachings and prayers and other spiritual engagements. Hebrews 12:1-13, Psalms139:14, Jeremiah1:4
- TACSFON has a strong sense of discovery, pursuit and fulfilment on issues of DESTINY, that we all are God’s true creature, with equal but peculiar destinies and as such everyone has the redemptive priviledge to be taught, trained and encouraged to rise up to the same. This primarily informs the choice of our teachings and prayers and other spiritual engagements. Hebrews 12:1-13, Psalms139:14, Jeremiah1:4-10